Dr. Hind Louali Talks About Bilingualism and Its Benefits
Dr. Hind Louali says there are many benefits to learning a second language. Having the ability to read, speak, and write in more than one language can go a long way for anyone. Scientists are starting to take the life-changing advantages of being bilingual seriously.

Even if you discount other factors, such as differences in IQ reading abilities or other cognitive aspects, being able to speak or write in more than one language can be considered a major factor in increasing the rate of being able to learn another language quickly.
Another advantage of being bilingual is it makes you more efficient at multitasking. Dr. Hind Louali has observed how bilinguals are often in a state of linguistic multitasking. It means that they have to function in a world outside their first or native language. They need to switch, shift, and process different languages in real-time.
Recent studies have shown that bilinguals are also better at non-linguistic multitasking as well. Researchers have observed how children do two tasks. First, they had to match animals’ noises to the correct animal picture. Then, they needed to match the letters to a musical instrument.
When bilingual and monolingual children did the tasks individually, all of them did roughly as well. However, when they had to do all the tasks together as a multitasking activity, researchers discovered that the bilingual children did considerably better.
It is also important to note that learning multiple languages makes you more empathetic, which means that you can relate to someone else. You are also able to see as well as understand things as they do. Research shows that individuals who can communicate in multiple languages have more empathy and compassion.
In conclusion, whatever happens within your brain, speaking a foreign language can lead to excellent experiences. You can see this when you study, work, travel, or do any of the above, according to Dr. Hind Louali.
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