Hind Louali: The Advantages of Learning Music Early On

Do you still remember your music classes back in elementary and high school? We’re sure you do unless you were the type of student who skipped classes.

Hind Louali explains that music is quite an enjoyable school subject, at least for most kids. That’s true. Music class was a time for many students to take a quick break from history, science, and other boring subjects. It was around an hour where you could not think about math equations, historical facts, spelling, or grammar. Anyone who’s been a student can attest that music was a bit of a rest for kids of all ages from the necessary yet often boring elements of formal academics.

Music is also not surprisingly often the favorite lesson for young students. It is because it brings out so much joy in them. It just usually doesn’t receive the reputation it rightfully deserves. Music might be perceived as much more fun than some other subjects, which is counter to the nature of many academic subjects, especially for children. That said, it is in many ways equally as important.

Image source: preschoolinspirations.com
According to Hind Louali, while the psychological benefits of letting children listen to classical music have been widely documented, the next step would be for parents to have them learn how to play music. Some experts in the fields of psychology and mental development agree that though some genres may not be appropriate just yet for children under seven, most types of music, when learned either on the piano, guitar, violin, ukulele, or any other instrument for that matter stimulates a child’s growth mentally, emotionally, and psychologically.

One of the most basic and important things children learn from music is rhythm, an incredibly underrated aspect of life. Once a child develops rhythm, he takes a significant step away from being awkward. Learning rhythm also leads to a deeper appreciation of music. Through rhythm, children can sing, dance, and play musical instruments.

While learning to read notes and following early lessons may seem tedious initially, these are to get children into the habit. The real fun comes later when they learn to improvise. It is where their creativity spikes.

Finally, children who learn music should be encouraged to perform in front of people to gain much-needed self-confidence that will be of great value to them in the life ahead, adds Hind Louali.

Read similar articles on education, music, art, and other related topics from Hind Louali on this page .

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