Hind Louali: Performing Arts is Perfect for Children
According to Hind Louali, children generally get much more nervous when performing in front of a crowd. That is why getting into performing arts gives children a leg up when they have to perform in front of others as they grow older.
On Encouraging Children to Perform
However, before anything, Hind Louali says it’s important to know how parents can encourage their kids, especially if their children have stage fright.
As a parent, you can start by normalizing your child’s anxiety. You can relate your situation to that of other performers. While this won’t take away all the nerves, it will let the child know there’s nothing wrong with their feelings.

Also, there’s nothing quite like hearing people loudly appreciate your performance. It can make you feel like a star. Your child will think to themselves that all that cheer is for them, and this instant positive feedback feels extremely rewarding. That said, it’s more than just the ego boost from the fans.

On Performing with Others
Any performance needs teamwork to succeed, says Hind Louali. Through performing arts, children are introduced to the notion of an ensemble. They’re performing with a team of performers. They are responsible for their part in a larger group, and everyone is counting on them to do their part. The significance of this personal responsibility is rare in a person’s childhood since their parents do most of the important stuff. In performances, successfully delivering their lines or hitting the right notes on a musical instrument means more because it allows everyone in the ensemble to do their job.
Hind Louali mentions that children become part of something bigger than themselves when they perform with a group. The performance itself is the culmination of weeks of hard work, and it becomes the reward for all the effort, and with a good performance comes invaluable self-esteem and self-confidence.
For more of Hind Louali‘s insights on performing, visit this blogsite by clicking here.
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