Hind Louali: Why You Should Learn a New Language

Communicating in multiple languages is an incredible skill that offers numerous benefits. Not only does it enhance our understanding and appreciation of different cultures, but it also opens doors to new opportunities in our personal and professional lives. Recent studies have shed light on the cognitive advantages of bilingualism, showing that it can improve our memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities, notes Hind Louali.

Additionally, being bilingual allows us to expand our social networks and connect with others deeper. It is no wonder that more and more people are trying to learn a new language and experience the enriching rewards of being bilingual.

For starters, being able to speak and write in more than one language can make learning even more languages easier. If you can speak two languages already, you learn languages well. According to recent studies, those who speak two languages find it much easier to learn a third or even more languages.

Image source: Canva Pro
Even discounting other factors, such as differences in IQ or reading abilities, or other cognitive aspects, being able to communicate in more than one language can be considered and isolated as a factor in increasing the chances and rate of being able to learn another language quickly.

Another advantage of being bilingual is that it makes you better at multitasking, says Hind Louali.

Bilinguals have been noticed to be almost always in a state of linguistic multitasking. Here, they have to function in a world outside their first or native language. They must switch, shift, and process several languages in real-time.

Image source: Canva Pro
According to Hind Louali, in one recent study, it has been found that bilinguals are also better at non-linguistic multitasking as well. Researchers had children do two tasks.

First, they had to match animal sounds to the right picture. Then, they had to match letters to a musical instrument. When bilingual and monolingual children did the tasks individually, they all did roughly as well. However, when they had to do the tasks together as a multitasking activity, it was discovered that bilingual children were considerably better.

Hind Louali also says that learning multiple languages makes you more empathetic. It means that you can relate to someone else. You are also able to see things as they do. Research shows that bilinguals are better at it.

What are the other advantages of being bilingual can you think of? What languages can you communicate in? What languages would you want to learn?

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