Hind Louali: Studying Performing Arts is Good for Kids

If adults get nervous when speaking in front of a crowd or presenting to their boss, imagine what it’s like for children. That is why Hind Louali believes that learning from early on how to cope with performance jitters gives children a leg up when they face big and intimidating life moments.

Parents can help their children by first normalizing feelings of anxiety and relating their situation to that of other performers. While this may not take away the nerves, it will help your child realize there’s nothing wrong with their feelings.

Then before they perform, talk your child through his worries. Remind him of other moments when he’s felt this anxious, and focus on when things turned out well. Recalling past experiences with good outcomes can give your child confidence.

Image source: scholastic.com
After the performance, Hind Louali says you should let your child enjoy their achievements. Be sure to tell them how well they did, and everything went. They will remember this. Next time, they’ll believe that they can perform better under pressure.

There’s nothing quite like hearing or seeing a crowd of people laugh at your jokes or cheer as you hit that high note in a song. It can make you feel like a star and do wonders for your kid. Your child will think to themselves that all that cheer is for them, and this instant positive feedback feels extremely rewarding.

However, Hind Louali mentions that it’s more than just the ego boosts from the fans.

It’s important to note that any performance needs teamwork to succeed. Through performance arts, children are introduced to the concept of an ensemble. Much like in sports, they’ll be part of a team. It’s not just them up on stage. They are responsible for their part in a larger group that is counting on them to do their part.
Image source: icebreakerideas.com
The significance of this personal responsibility is rare for children. During a performance, just like a game of team sports, children become part of something bigger than themselves. The performance is the culmination of weeks of hard work and the reward for all the effort.

Hind Louali reminds us that it’s not just about the result. While a good performance can boost our children’s confidence, it’s equally important to encourage and highlight their efforts. By praising the hard work and determination they put into a task or activity, we can instill a sense of perseverance and resilience in them. Rather than obsessing over grades and outcomes, let’s celebrate our children’s process and journey to reach their goals.

For more of Hind Louali‘s insights, visit his blogsite by clicking here.

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